
Period and Venue

The 2023/2024 edition of the program is currently ongoing and will run from January 2024 to December 2024.

During the on campus phase in Turin, lectures will mainly take place at the premises of the University of Turin in the city center, and in the facilities of Politecnico of Torino, including the Castello del Valentino. Field lessons will be hosted at heritage organizations.

Attendance Period

The Program will be held from January 2024 to December 2024, and is divided into three phases:   

  1. Assisted distance learning phase: 2nd January 2024 - 9th February 2024. This introductory phase is based on the acquisition of basic knowledge and competences through activities carried out by students autonomously rather than lectures. Some online meeting with teachers could be planned.
  2. On campus phase: 12th February 2024 – 24th May 2024.  In this period, attendance is mandatory and implies full time engagement from Monday to Friday (9.00-16.00 CET). 
  3. Distance individual study and project preparation: 27th May 2024 - December 2024.


Potential changes of the venue will be promptly communicate to the students.


  • COREP - Lungo Dora Siena 100 - Torino - Italia
  • Telefono : +39 011 670.86.15 - worldheritagemaster@corep.it
  • www.corep.it

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